Selasa, 18 Oktober 2011

All the food tasted terrible Zinc Deficiency In Children.

Many things can make a child's appetite is not that sometimes makes parenting so stressful. One of them could be caused by a deficiency of the mineral zinc (zinc) in the body of the child.

Zinc mineral deficiency in the body can affect the senses of taste, so all the food that enters it will feel uncomfortable.

Zinc affects the nerves in the tongue that serves to send a signal or stimulus to the brain whether the food is sweet, salty or other taste. If someone then zinc deficiency these nerves can not function normally.

Usually children like melepehkan (resurrect) the food intake and appetite so it is not.

Other effects that can be generated if someone has a mineral deficiency of zinc is a growth process that is compromised, the immune system is not perfect, and disruption of the digestive function.

This is because zinc has a help function of energy metabolism, plays a role in the metabolism of vitamin A, protein and fat. These minerals can be obtained from meat, cheese, eggs, poultry, green vegetables and fortified foods (nutrients added).

Zink is a special compound in adults or children who have diarrhea or indigestion. This is because zinc can help to improve the mucosa of the milk so that experienced diarrhea will heal faster.

If the intestinal mucosa is repaired then the absorption (absorption) of food is also getting better .

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