Selasa, 18 Oktober 2011

Myocarditis, inflammation of the heart myocardium.

Myocarditis is an inflammatory condition of the myocardium. Myocardium is the middle layer of heart wall. Various signs and symptoms including chest pain and abnormal heart rhythms can be caused by this condition, but rarely happens.

In severe cases of myocarditis, heart pumping action will be weakened and the heart will not be able to supply the entire body with enough blood. This can lead to the development of heart attack or stroke, and can form clots within the heart.

Viral infections usually cause myocarditis. Treatment of myocarditis conducted focused on the cause.


Rheumatic fever is a common cause of myocarditis, but usually there are other causes of myocarditis. Myocarditis most often develops because of infections caused by, among others, by:

1. Parasite
Toxoplasma and Trypanosoma cruzi, including some parasites that are transmitted by insects and can cause a condition called Chagas disease. The most common cause of congestive heart failure was Chagas disease.

2. Bacterium
Including tick-borne bacterium that causes Lyme disease and Staphylococcus aureus, which can also cause infection of the heart valve called endocarditis. More than a quarter of all people with bacterial infections diphtheria, also occurs myocarditis.

3. Mushrooms
Some causes of myocarditis is rare, aspergillus, fungal infections such as candida, and other fungi such as Histoplasma. Histoplasma is commonly found in bird droppings.

4. Virus
Coxsackievirus B, which can cause symptoms similar to mild cases of flu, is the virus most often associated with myocarditis. However, other causes of myocarditis include rash called 'fifth disease' caused by parvovirus B19, mononucleosis caused by Epstein-Barr virus, measles is caused by rubella, digestive tract infections caused by echovirus, and viruses that cause influenza (adenovirus). The heart muscle can also be directly infiltrated by HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.

Some conditions that can lead to the development of myocarditis, among others:

1. Drugs that can cause allergic reactions
Antibiotics such as penicillin and sulfonamide drugs, as well as some illegal drugs like cocaine.

2. Some chemicals
Substances such as hydrocarbons and arsenic.

3. Other diseases
Inflammation of blood vessels (vasculitis), lupus, connective tissue disorders, and rare inflammatory conditions such as Wegener's granulomatosis.


Depending on the cause and severity of illness, signs and symptoms of myocarditis may vary. The following is included in the most common signs and symptoms:

1. Fluid retention with swelling of the ankles and feet
2. Chest pain that may feel like a heart attack or angina
3. Shortness of breath at rest or during physical activity
4. Fatigue
5. Rapid heartbeat or abnormal (arrhythmia)

While the signs and symptoms are less common, among others:

1. Fainting or sudden loss of consciousness
2. Other symptoms associated with viral infections such as fever, joint pain, diarrhea, headache, sore throat, or body aches.

Pericarditis, which is an inflammation of the membrane covering the heart (pericardium), can sometimes develop in people with myocarditis. Sharp pain over the center of the chest may be caused by pericarditis. Myocarditis may not have obvious symptoms in mild cases.

Signs and symptoms that may be experienced by children when it leads to the development of myocarditis, among others:

1. Discoloration of the skin becomes bluish or grayish
2. Difficulty in breathing
3. Loss of appetite
4. Fever


Treatment focuses on the cause myocarditis, such as certain infections that may have caused inflammation of the heart. Coxsackievirus B is the most common types of viruses that cause myocarditis. There has been a special treatment of myocarditis, in addition to relieving pain and other symptoms.

1. Treatment of mild cases

To help the body fight infections that cause myocarditis, the doctor may prescribe medication and tell the patient to rest until the heart is recovering. If the cause is bacterial infection, then antibiotics will be prescribed.

To suppress the immune system, certain rare types of viruses, such as giant cell and eosinophilic myocarditis, respond to corticosteroids or other drugs.

Treatment will be directed at the underlying disease if the condition is caused by chronic diseases such as lupus. Avoiding tobacco, alcohol and strenuous exercise and limit the amount of salt in the diet can also be recommended to patients.

2. Treatment to help the heart work

A person may be admitted to hospital if you experience symptoms, such as heart beat too fast or irregular. To regulate the heartbeat, the patient can take certain medications.

Drugs that are prescribed to reduce the workload of the heart, can help patients eliminate excess fluid, or strengthen the heart's pumping ability in the case of a weak heartbeat.

These drugs, among others:

a. Digoxin, which can increase the strength of heart muscle contractions and tends to slow the heart rate
b. Beta blockers such as carvedilol and metoprolol, which works in a variety of ways to treat heart failure and helps to control irregular heart rhythms or fast
c. Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, such as lisinopril, ramipril, enalapril and captopril, which relax blood vessels in the heart and helps blood flow more easily
d. Diuretics such as furosemide, which can relieve fluid and sodium retention

3. Treatment in severe cases

Some of these treatments can be used to treat severe myocarditis:
a. The use of temporary artificial heart
b. Drug intravenously (IV) to improve heart function
c. Consideration of heart transplantation
d. Pump placement in the aorta (intra-aortic balloon pump)

Some people need medication just a few months and then recover completely. While others may have a chronic and permanent damage to the heart muscle that requires lifelong medication. It is difficult for doctors to predict how long patients need the drugs, as this is the variability in the disease.

Sources: Epharmapedia

Overcoming drug for baldness.

Minoxidil is applied to the scalp to stimulate hair growth in adult men and women due to baldness. The workings of these drugs work is not known with certainty.

Hair growth will occur after the use of several months and lasts only as long as the drug continues to be used. Hair will begin to fall again in a few months after minoxidil treatment is stopped. This product is available in dosage forms and foam solution.


Dosage forms in solution:
Adults: Take 1 ml of the scalp twice a day.
Children: Use and dose must be determined by your doctor.

Foam dosage form:
Adults: half a bottle cap for the scalp twice a day.
Children: Use and dose must be determined by your doctor.

Side Effects

Signs and symptoms of too much medicine being absorbed into the body:
1. blurred vision
2. chest pain
3. dizziness
4. fainting
5. Fast heartbeat or irregular
6. headache
7. Body feels light
8. Numbness or tingling hands, feet, or face
9. Swelling of the face, hands, feet, or lower legs
10. Weight gain

Sources: MayoClinic

All the food tasted terrible Zinc Deficiency In Children.

Many things can make a child's appetite is not that sometimes makes parenting so stressful. One of them could be caused by a deficiency of the mineral zinc (zinc) in the body of the child.

Zinc mineral deficiency in the body can affect the senses of taste, so all the food that enters it will feel uncomfortable.

Zinc affects the nerves in the tongue that serves to send a signal or stimulus to the brain whether the food is sweet, salty or other taste. If someone then zinc deficiency these nerves can not function normally.

Usually children like melepehkan (resurrect) the food intake and appetite so it is not.

Other effects that can be generated if someone has a mineral deficiency of zinc is a growth process that is compromised, the immune system is not perfect, and disruption of the digestive function.

This is because zinc has a help function of energy metabolism, plays a role in the metabolism of vitamin A, protein and fat. These minerals can be obtained from meat, cheese, eggs, poultry, green vegetables and fortified foods (nutrients added).

Zink is a special compound in adults or children who have diarrhea or indigestion. This is because zinc can help to improve the mucosa of the milk so that experienced diarrhea will heal faster.

If the intestinal mucosa is repaired then the absorption (absorption) of food is also getting better .

Teens are Too Shy Signs Social Phobia.

Adolescents are particularly vulnerable to mood swings and sometimes want to be alone or shut down. But some teens sometimes have a sense of shame outside the normal condition that can lead to the development of psychiatric disorders such as social phobia.

The conclusion was the result of a study published by the American Academy of Pediatrics. The researchers have analyzed the results of a previous survey conducted on more than 10,000 adolescents aged 13-18 years.

Researchers find 1 in 10 teens surveyed identified themselves as shy. Identification will also meet the criteria for social phobia. The survey was funded by the National Institutes of Mental Health.

Each mental disorder has a biological traits and environment. "The disorder can come and go according to cultural pressures or the environment," said Wendy Walsh, a doctoral psychology as reported from CNNHealth, Tuesday (10/18/2011).

In the survey, teens were asked to rate their shyness when around their peers using a 4 point scale. The highest ranking (3-4) and the lowest ranking (1-2) are combined to more easily describe shy or not.

There are 46.7 percent of respondents who classified themselves as shy, but only 12.4 percent met the criteria of social phobia. Respondents who did not classify themselves as shy just 5.2 percent that meet the criteria for social phobia.

Shyness is more common in males than females, but gender had no significant relation to the prevalence of social phobia. Shyness is also more common in younger respondents, and social phobia may increase with age.

Rmaja with social phobia showed a higher level of shame significantly compared with adolescents with a sense of shame, unfortunately there is no indication for professional care. Nearly 80 percent of adolescents with social phobia fail to obtain professional care.

Teenagers who are shy or who are classified with social phobia is not better if the treatment prescription. "Talk therapy can treat the condition long-term social phobia better than cure," said Walsh. More drug treatment is indicated for disorders that involve the body's metabolic processes or biological.

Shyness is defined by the American Psychological Association as a tendency to feel awkward, anxious or tense during social gatherings, especially with strangers. The embarrassment also can mean quiet, introverted (closed), introspective, and sometimes isolate yourself. But shy people can still be pulled out by another person of his shyness to social berinteraki, though not comfortable.

"A lot of children who overcome their shyness and become much more socially interactive with a mix with peer groups and groups of older adults," says clinical psychologist Jeff Gardere, a clinical assistant professor of Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine, New York.

Social phobia can sometimes be far more problematic. People who experience social phobia are more likely to experience many psychiatric disorders, including anxiety disorders, mood, behavior, and substance. According to research, most teens are shy adolescents who experience social phobia disorder.

"Social phobia is a real psychiatric conditions, especially if the interrupt function of social, occupational, and academic kids," said Gardere.

The signs of children exposed to animea.

Parents sometimes do not realize the symptoms of anemia that appears in children, but if left untreated can cause adverse effects. For that watch out for symptoms of anemia in children.

"If a child is often lethargic, often sleepy, wants to sleep, lazy or eat a lot but thin body, it could be signs of anemia," says nutritionist Dr Saptawati Bardosono sidelines of a media workshop looming threat of Anemia in Children Indonesia Hotel Grand Sahid, Jakarta, Tuesday (10/18/2011).

Dr. Tati said children who eat a lot but why she still underweight the possibility of having worms, and worm infections are known to cause the child to be anemic.

This is because worms that is in the child's body takes nutrients that enter the body including iron, causing malnourished children.

Other conditions that can be checked on the child's parents is to check the child's palm, if it is slightly bent palms look pale then he may have anemia or nail color that looks pale.

If it finds these conditions, then try to notice whether their diet was complete or not. If not then give an iron-rich foods, if still not then give foods that are fortified (added) iron, if still lacking also recently given iron supplements.

"Before doing the examination given supplements of hemoglobin to determine its value or can be by check stool for worms or do not know the child," said Dr. Barbara joined in the Indonesian Medical Association Physician Nutrition (PDGMI).

Dr. Barbara adds that untreated anemia can lead to children learning difficulties, school or sports achievement decreases, lowering IQ scores and easily tired. Source of this iron can be obtained from red meat, green vegetables and nuts, and consumption of vitamin C can help increase iron absorption.

Iron is needed to assist the process of formation of red blood cells and also helps metabolize energy and improve concentration. The need for iron depends on the child's age, generally for school children required 10 mg / day.

Anemia usually occurs because the number of red blood cells or hemoglobin levels are below normal, whereas the red blood cells serves to bring food and oxygen around the body. If there is anemia, then the distribution will be hampered and affect one's health.
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