Selasa, 18 Oktober 2011

Teens are Too Shy Signs Social Phobia.

Adolescents are particularly vulnerable to mood swings and sometimes want to be alone or shut down. But some teens sometimes have a sense of shame outside the normal condition that can lead to the development of psychiatric disorders such as social phobia.

The conclusion was the result of a study published by the American Academy of Pediatrics. The researchers have analyzed the results of a previous survey conducted on more than 10,000 adolescents aged 13-18 years.

Researchers find 1 in 10 teens surveyed identified themselves as shy. Identification will also meet the criteria for social phobia. The survey was funded by the National Institutes of Mental Health.

Each mental disorder has a biological traits and environment. "The disorder can come and go according to cultural pressures or the environment," said Wendy Walsh, a doctoral psychology as reported from CNNHealth, Tuesday (10/18/2011).

In the survey, teens were asked to rate their shyness when around their peers using a 4 point scale. The highest ranking (3-4) and the lowest ranking (1-2) are combined to more easily describe shy or not.

There are 46.7 percent of respondents who classified themselves as shy, but only 12.4 percent met the criteria of social phobia. Respondents who did not classify themselves as shy just 5.2 percent that meet the criteria for social phobia.

Shyness is more common in males than females, but gender had no significant relation to the prevalence of social phobia. Shyness is also more common in younger respondents, and social phobia may increase with age.

Rmaja with social phobia showed a higher level of shame significantly compared with adolescents with a sense of shame, unfortunately there is no indication for professional care. Nearly 80 percent of adolescents with social phobia fail to obtain professional care.

Teenagers who are shy or who are classified with social phobia is not better if the treatment prescription. "Talk therapy can treat the condition long-term social phobia better than cure," said Walsh. More drug treatment is indicated for disorders that involve the body's metabolic processes or biological.

Shyness is defined by the American Psychological Association as a tendency to feel awkward, anxious or tense during social gatherings, especially with strangers. The embarrassment also can mean quiet, introverted (closed), introspective, and sometimes isolate yourself. But shy people can still be pulled out by another person of his shyness to social berinteraki, though not comfortable.

"A lot of children who overcome their shyness and become much more socially interactive with a mix with peer groups and groups of older adults," says clinical psychologist Jeff Gardere, a clinical assistant professor of Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine, New York.

Social phobia can sometimes be far more problematic. People who experience social phobia are more likely to experience many psychiatric disorders, including anxiety disorders, mood, behavior, and substance. According to research, most teens are shy adolescents who experience social phobia disorder.

"Social phobia is a real psychiatric conditions, especially if the interrupt function of social, occupational, and academic kids," said Gardere.

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